הזדמנות עסקית | לטביה | 152344 | טקסטיל, עור ומוצריהם | 11/08/2024

Workwear and high quality garments

The company was established in 1999. Throughout the years company has shown dynamic growth and expansion. Today our company has developed to full-service manufacturing factory.  The company is strongly positioned in market as high-quality garment producer with 180 skilled and knowledgeable employees.

Our customers receive advanced service and expertise in product development, garment production, high standard quality management, purchasing and effective international supply chain delivery solutions. 

פרטים על ההזדמנות

  • Country:
  • Number:
  • Activity:
    Export to Israel, Services
  • Branch:
    Textile, Leather and Products
  • Published:
Member of trade organization, association or chamber of commerce :
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