הזדמנות עסקית | סין | 152337 | יצוא לישראל | אלקטרוניקה וחשמל | 11/08/2024

Integrated Circuit (IC) Components and Chips

I represent a leading supplier of Integrated Circuit (IC) components and chips based in Shenzhen, China. With over 14 years in the industry, we have established ourselves as a reliable partner for businesses seeking high-quality electronic components.

Our extensive inventory includes over 1,200 types of IC chips, such as transistors, diodes, accelerometers, linear amplifiers, drivers, embedded microcontrollers, memory, PMIC, ADC, and DAC, sourced from reputable brands like TI, ADI, TOSHIBA, NXP, SK Hynix, ST, and Fairchild. We also specialize in module PCBA boards tailored to meet specific project requirements.

We understand the importance of timely and cost-effective solutions in your industry. Should you have any current demand, please feel free to share the part numbers, and I will ensure you receive a prompt response with a competitive quote.

I am looking forward to the possibility of establishing a fruitful and long-term partnership with your esteemed company.

פרטים על ההזדמנות

  • Country:
  • Number:
  • Activity:
    Export to Israel
  • Branch:
    Electronics and Electricity
  • Published:
Member of trade organization, association or chamber of commerce :
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