הזדמנות עסקית | סלובניה | 151985 | כימיה, רפואה ופרמצבטיקה | 29/07/2024

EEN Offer - Slovene start-up specialized in medical device for assessing driving ability is looking for international partners

Slovene start-up with expert knowledge in the healthcare sector - medical device for assessing driving ability is looking for international partners. Slovene start-up has developed a specialized device for this task and are looking for commercial agreement.

Full description

Slovene start-up based in city of Maribor, Slovenia is redefining driver fitness assessment. A group of enthusiasts believe everyone deserves to have a fair assessment of their physical and mental health. The current status quo for driver assessments does not support this. Currently assessments favour literate and prepared individuals to pass exams even if they’re incapable of driving, leading to the worst of cases – their death or unfortunate bystanders. But drivers who have developed compensatory mechanism making them efficient drivers are unable to show this leading to an unfair loss of mobility.
To remedy this, Slovene start-up is producing specialized medical equipment for elevating quality of driver fitness assessment. They develop and manufacture their own devices (software and hardware).

Slovene start-up is looking for clinics or institutions that would like to improve their current practices with a modern approach. They will provide you with the medical device to conduct better objective tests of patients and help with the onboarding process and knowledge transfer. Slovene star-up is also looking for distributers to help reach such users.

The device described is a simulator-based screening tool. It simulates a highly researched driving environment and takes measurements of a patient’s behavior along the way. It then provides a detailed description of their health in a fully digitized format that can of course be printed.

Advantages and innovation

Our solution is the first of its kind that it joins all necessary aspects of driver assessment in one place and in a real driving scenario. Allowing for a more precise decision to be made about a patient’s health and fitness to drive. The only one stop shop for a complete driver assessment with sensory-motoric and cognitive tests in a real driving scenario from the safety of a clinic. We have already conducted over 300 assessments with the local authority, and they are validating our claims of precise measurements.

It currently takes about 15 minutes for a full assessment to be conducted and can be done by technical personnel. The doctor staff receives afterwards a report and takes time to interpret results and come to a decision. Tests can be performed individually to save time on select areas of assessment.

Technical Specification or Expertise Sought

Slovene start-up is looking for a partner that is either an authority in conducting driver assessments in a country or an authorized body for conducting driver assessments. We would like to begin conversations of how assessments are conducted currently and how we can aid you in improving their accuracy.

Expected role of the partner

Slovene start-up is seeking partners that are willing to attempt the adoption of the medical device and assessment of practices developed with it. They are expecting the partner to buy devices from them and cooperate with obtaining new customers in the foreign market. We accept long and short-term partners. Long term partners can expect more value out of the medical advice as we would like to integrate their feedback into our development cycle.

פרטים על ההזדמנות

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    Chemistry, Medicine, Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics
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