הזדמנות עסקית | רומניה | 151977 | יצוא לישראל | מזון, משקאות והסעדה | 29/07/2024

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A Romanian family company specializes in the production of cold pressed pumpkin, sunflower and walnut oil. Oil is manufactured using a special press which allows the company to obtain 100% pure oil, pressed exclusively from pumpkin and sunflower seeds or walnut kernels. Products are packed in glass bottles of different capacity. The company aims to expand its market and is therefore interested in identifying new international business partners under commercial agreements.

Full description

The Romanian company builds on the founders’ experience and interest in obtaining 100% cold pressed oils. All company’s products are manufactured on the company’s premises, using only high quality seeds sourced after a careful analysis of suppliers and seeds oleic content. At the moment, the Romanian company’s product portfolio includes:

- Pumpkin seeds oil – oil is manufactured via cold pressing of pumpkin seeds without shell, a special pumpkin variety also cultivated in Romania. This particular variety of pumpkin is richer in oily mass and nutritious properties when compared with traditional pumpkin seeds.

- Walnut kernel oil – manufactured via direct cold pressing of Romanian sourced walnut kernels.

- Sunflower oil – oil manufactured via direct cold pressing from sunflower seeds with high oleic content, rich in Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 9.

No other ingredients are used in manufacturing the oils proposed, apart from pumpkin and sunflower seeds or walnut kernels. Oils obtained by the Romanian company are gluten free.

Pumpkin seeds and walnut kernels oil is available in glass bottles of 250 ml, while sunflower oil is available in glass bottles of 500 ml. Only dark coloured bottles are used to ensure the preservation of oil’s different properties.

The Romanian company currently addresses the national market, where it sells its products to private persons via different fairs and events dedicated to natural products. Products are also distributed via naturist shops, groceries and vegetable shops.

Wishing to further extend its market, the company seeks new international business partners in the following categories: distributors of agri-food products, naturist shops, groceries and online platform for agri-food products and particularly natural, handmade products. Cooperation with potential partners will be based on commercial agreements.

Advantages and innovation

The Romanian company offers potential partners the following advantages:

- complete control of the manufacturing process and a guarantee of the quality obtained. All products are manufactured on the company’s premises, using the company’s equipment and under the supervision of the company’s founders.

- high quality raw seeds and kernels. The Romanian company places particular emphasis on the selection of suppliers and the quality of the ingredients used in the manufacturing process. Pumpkin seeds and nut kernels are purchased from Romanian suppliers who have been selected following a careful analysis of their products in terms of oleic content etc.

- 100% oils, obtained via direct cold pressing. No other ingredients are used, except pumpkin and sunflower seeds or walnut kernels.

Expected role of the partner

The Romanian company is interested in identifying new international business partners for long-term cooperation.

Potential partners are groceries, small retail chains in the food sector, naturist shops, online and offline natural food product distributors with experience in offering natural products.

The Romanian company will supply potential partners with the list of the product offered, nutritional details, ingredients and any other relevant details.

Cooperation with potential partners will be based on commercial agreements.

פרטים על ההזדמנות

  • Country:
  • Number:
  • Activity:
    Export to Israel
  • Branch:
    Food, Beverages and Catering
  • Published:
Member of trade organization, association or chamber of commerce :
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