הזדמנות עסקית | גאורגיה | 151909 | משקיעים | חקלאות | 25/07/2024

Innovative platform for farmers to improve agro production and increase efficiency

Our innovative platform with its AI-based plant disease and pest management system helps farmers to improve agro production and increase efficiency, and also connects farmers and large companies in one space. It solves the problem of product selling for farmers, and makes agro purchases easier for companies.

Due to the lack of agronomists, farmers are not able to properly manage pests and diseases and grow abundant crops, there is also a very big problem with the release of the grown products, farmers do not have the opportunity to communicate directly with large buyers, and the prices of products that are inflated by several intermediary links are a big problem for networks and complicated logistics.

The innovative platform solves the problem of agro production for farmers with an AI-based plant disease and pest management system, and also connects farmers and large companies in one space. It solves the problem of product releases for farmers, and agro purchases for companies. The platform includes services based on the principle of one window.

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