הזדמנות עסקית | ליטא | 150975 | שיתוף פעולה | כימיה, רפואה ופרמצבטיקה | 19/06/2024

EEN Offer - Development of cosmetic products based on plant material and plant oil extracts

Short summary
A Polish company is looking for a cooperation with a research team for the production of ecological cosmetics obtained from organic crops. The technology requested is a development of production methods for the cosmetics production line.

Full description
A Polish company seeks a cooperation with a research team for the development of series of cosmetics that do not use water in their composition, but use highly fragmented plant material, and the base material consists of only natural oils and macerates obtained from organic farming. It is necessary, in addition to the development of a set of product compositions, to initially develop methods of its production.
At the same time, the product must meet the high technical and ecological requirements set by modern society, taking into account the principles of sustainable development.
Expected role of the partner
The cooperant should have experience in the cosmetics and process chemicals industry as well as in the automation of manufacturing processes.

פרטים על ההזדמנות

  • Country:
  • Number:
  • Activity:
    Joint Ventures
  • Branch:
    Chemistry, Medicine, Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics
  • Published:
Member of trade organization, association or chamber of commerce :
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