הזדמנות עסקית | הודו | 150138 | שירות | 14/05/2024

Supplier identification & audits in the fields of Metals, Plastics and Rubber, Electronics

Our company helps you identify the most suitable supplier for your manufacturing needs taking into consideration, the quality standards, cost and capacity.

  • We provide cost effective solutions in the following fields:
    Metalssolutions for manufacturing and assembling high precision components.
    Plastics and Rubber - 3d printing solution for prototypes and small batches using SLA and SLS technology
    Electronicssolution for manufacturing PCBAs for medical, defense, automobile and aerospace applications.
  • We find the supplier best fit for the project
  • We provide seamless communication between the customer and supplier
  • We provide real time project tracking

פרטים על ההזדמנות

  • Country:
  • Number:
  • Activity:
  • Branch:
    Electronics and Electricity, Metals, Rubber, Plastic and Raw Materials
  • Published:
Member of trade organization, association or chamber of commerce :
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