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Eilat Eilot Renewable Energy Conference- December 2014

The sixth annual Eilat Eilot Renewable Energy Conference will be held in early December at the Dan and Herods hotels in Eilat. The conference is part of “Energy Week” in Israel, joining other influential events, including the Alternative Fuels conference in Tel Aviv. The week’s activities will culminate in the Eilat conference which will address all aspects of sustainability in the location that serves as the centre point for renewable energy activity in Israel

Recent achievements of the Eilat Eilot Renewable Energy initiative include the establishment of a technological incubator containing 6 start ups, the operation of 3 pilot projects in the field and the launch of a demo site for off grid technologies. The region itself serves as a leader in the field of renewable energy, with 60% of its daytime energy coming from solar sources (60 megawatts installed capacity). 

Plans are also underway for an international Science and Training Center, which will house startups, laboratories for research and serve as a center for educational tourism. 
Conference topics include:

  • Alternative fuels, renewable energy, distributed  energy generation (micro-grid, demand response, solutions for power failures and instability in the grid, off-grid technologies)
  • Energy efficiency, water-energy nexsus, energy storage, regional development (the Eilat-Eilot RE model as a pilot, Energy island models such as Japan and Great Britain)
  • What are the penetration rates of renewable energy requiring new grid management and storage?

A call for lecturers in these topics will open soon and we invite you to respond should you wish to participate in the most important international conference on sustainable energy in Israel.  

For further details please Contact: Naama Aloni: energy@eilot.org.il

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